Looking back over 2024 reveals a busy and fulfilling year. I was very honored to travel to all thirteen sections, minister in twenty-one of our Louisiana churches, and participate in pastoral elections, section banquets, building dedications, pastoral and church anniversaries, and pastoral installations. We have the best!
Representing the Louisiana District in other districts continues to be an honor. 2024 travel included ministering in Mississippi, Texas, Florida, California, Missouri, and Canada at camp meetings, men’s conferences, church growth conferences and seminars, as well as leadership retreats. Additionally, administrative and leadership duties required my attendance at two General Board meetings as well as two Strategic Growth Initiative meetings.
As the Chairman for the Church Growth and Revitalization committee, I worked with Assistant General Superintendent Darrell Johns, as well as General Superintendent David Bernard, to produce new resources for our pastors and districts which focus on growth in the local church. Some of these new resources are available at ministrycentral.com on the SGI page. I also serve as the Cohort Leader over the five largest districts in the UPCI – Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Illinois, and Florida. It is a joy to interact with these wonderful Superintendents as we share growth strategies and ideas to help our districts effectively add new ministers, add new churches, assist churches in the area of growth, and provide spiritual and emotional care for our ministers.
Being appointed by Brother Bernard, I also serve as the General Board Liaison to the Building the Bridge Department of the UPCI. It is my responsibility to represent the General Board at the annual BTB planning meeting, usually held in Atlanta, as well as attend the national BTB Conference. This year, I ministered at the BTB Conference in Miami, Florida.
Our Louisiana District Board met four times this year. Two of those meetings included licensing of new ministers as well as license advancement to General and Ordination status. A subcommittee, led by Presbyter Zale Lewis, gathered new ideas to help make our licensing process more effective and streamlined. Out of these ideas, we created a new structure for the licensing process in Louisiana which only requires applicants to be on the campgrounds for half a day. In times past, applicants would wait on the campgrounds for an entire day during this process. In the past three years, the Louisiana District has awarded Local license to 125 men and women for a total of 837 licensed ministers in Louisiana. To put this in perspective, the average number of ministers per district in North America is 310.
Another subcommittee, led by Presbyter David Hairford, gathered research and ideas to formulate a Section Policy Manual. This new manual will assist our presbyters, secretaries, and section department leaders with consistent planning, finances, events, and other operations of all sections. It is also a guide to help our presbyters lead their sections by providing events and resources to assist pastors and congregations in the areas of leadership, church growth, and ministerial care. Another goal of each presbyter is to identify villages, towns, and cities as potential preaching point, daughter work, or new church plant locations, then work with the NAM department to realize those goals.
I don’t say this enough, but I greatly appreciate our Louisiana District Board. These are some of the greatest men I know. I am privileged to see their Christian character displayed over and over. They are men who can be trusted with the weighty decisions which are made on behalf of our district. These men love the ministry and the work of God. I believe in these men.
Mission Louisiana
In the midst of all the travel, all the meetings, and the immense amount of planning and implementation, there is the care and upgrading of our campgrounds. The Louisiana District Campgrounds is the spiritual Mecca to the UPCI ministers and congregations of our state. For over 70 years, these grounds have provided a place for our congregations and ministry alike to gather to worship, find divine direction, be renewed spiritually, and enjoy rich fellowship. I know that our district would not be as unified and strong without these campgrounds. This place provides an atmosphere where men, women, and children can be filled with the Spirit of God. I know no greater place where miracles are any more available than when we gather together to believe in God’s glorious power on these holy grounds.
The goal is to make sure these wonderful acres filled with cabins, dorms, and meetings spaces continue to be that place of anointing and blessing for today as well as tomorrow. This is the purpose of Mission Louisiana!
We celebrate $1,456,238 given to the cause of Mission Louisiana thus far.
We have raised 72% of the fund required to begin construction of our new boy's dorm! Our vision of a new dorm on our grounds is coming together and, with a little more funds, we can begin the work! Originally, we shared our need to expand the boys' dorm space for camps—but we’re also thrilled to say this new building is designed for multi-use!
Here’s what makes it special:
➡️ Flexible Setup: The dorm will be designed to accommodate both male and female groups with a designated side for each, if needed. Perfect for church events, leadership or youth retreats, and more!
➡️ Dividable Quarters: Several sections can be closed off individually, so groups can have their own space. For example, at events like Ladies Conference, one section can house tech staff, another can house volunteers, etc.
We are well on our way, but we still have a little further to go to bring this project to life. Thank you for being a part of this journey! Every bit of support helps us move closer to the finish line!
To donate today: missionlouisiana.com/giving
Karen and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!