Occupied*: $35.00 per night
Unoccupied**: $5.00 per night
Unoccupied (Kids Kamp***): $35.00 per night
During or immediately after inclement weather, some lots may be unavailable. The District will make every effort to provide an alternate lot.
See full Terms & Conditions for policies surrounding RV rental lots during Youth Camps. See full Terms & Conditions for policies on dress code & conduct while staying on the Campgrounds.UPCI Global Missionaries & full-time evangelists who are licensed with the Louisiana District can contact the utilities office directly at the number below to secure a reservation for their requested dates.
1. RVs must be parked and plugged into the lot number corresponding to the reservation.
2. Due to extremely limited space during Youth Camps and Camp Meeting, the RV must be parked between indicated lot lines.
3. RVs must not be parked in a way that will prohibit maintenance from getting to the electrical box.
4. In most spaces, there is not room for awnings to be opened. All doors, steps, slide-outs, walkways, etc. must be within the marked boundaries of the reserved RV site.
5. The RV cannot impede the lots on either side. If so, the RV will be required to re-position
6. LA District UPC reserves the right to have the incorrectly parked RV towed at the owner’s expense.
7. There is a 30-day limit for RVs parked in any RV rental space without special approval from the District Board during August 1st through the end of February.
12:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M.
Parking after sunset is strictly prohibited on these grounds.11:00 A.M.
This may be adjusted if a guest is not scheduled for that lot but must be approved through the office. Any RV that is left on the grounds beyond the date of reservation will be towed at the owner's expense.1. If the reservation is cancelled prior to 48 hours before the first date of the reservation, all money will be refunded except a 20% handling fee.
2. If the reservation is cancelled less than 48 hours prior to the first date of the reservation, a 40% handling fee will be charged.
Pets must be on a leash at all times, to ensure the safety of pets and other campers, and should not be left tied up outside.
Pet waste is to be picked up by owners. (Please use plastic bags and dispose of it properly.)Powered by Solidres