Eddie Gorden | Children's Ministry Director

Eddie Gorden entered children’s ministry by teaching Sunday School in his local church. Under the direction of Bishop A.J. Fulton, he served the Bastrop United Pentecostal Church Sunday School Department as a teacher and eventually Sunday School Director.
Through the direction of his pastor, Rev. Dwight Fulton, he has worked as a children’s evangelist since 2008. During this time, he has ministered in twenty-six states across our fellowship. He and his wife, Vickey, and youngest daughter, Alaina, have enjoyed seeing many children receive the Holy Ghost. Bro. Gorden also served as Section 9 Children’s Ministry Director and as the Louisiana District Children’s Ministry Secretary. In January 2020, he and his family were elected pastors of Lake Providence United Pentecostal Church.
Bro. Gorden believes that children are the greatest asset in any church. We should love them, support them, and help them become the young men and women God wants them to be.
Matthew 19:14 “But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” We should do all we can to bless their efforts to come to Jesus.
Email: ed.gorden@yahoo.com