The Louisiana District is known for our uncommon UNITY, our sacrificial GIVING, and our passion for the MISSION. I believe our incredible departments are one of the driving forces behind these valued characteristics – Ladies, Men’s, Children’s, Youth Ministries, Global, and North American Missions. These are not six different departments leading in different directions. They lead in the same direction with the same overall goal, to see souls saved and God’s people strengthened and empowered.
It is my opinion that we have the six most impactful and passionate department directors in North America! They lead with excellence, and all have been recognized among their respective peer groups as standing out from the rest.
When we give offerings to these departments, we are placing funds into the hands of leaders and committees who have strategies to reach more children, youth, men, and women with this glorious Gospel. They are ready to plan and implement events and programs to strengthen and provide Christian training to every person within their scope.
I am sure over the years some have asked, “Why do we send so much financial support to all these departments?”. Having been a pastor for 25 years, serving the Youth department on the section and district level, as the NAM director on the district level, and now as a Superintendent, I have had a bird’s eye view of the giving process. My answer to that question would be, “Because each department is capable of doing more with my financial support than I could ever do alone”. It’s the strength of being part of a “body”. My financial support adds exponentially to thousands of others who are also part of the organization. One of us is never stronger than all of us.We have found this to be true in the United Pentecostal Church.
This month, I have asked our six incredible department directors to provide a glimpse of their departmental vision.
Karen Weber, Louisiana Ladies Ministry
The mission of the Louisiana District Ladies Ministries (LDLM) is to encourage, equip, and empower apostolic women for service in the kingdom of God. Our vision involves ministering to the needs of all ladies, while also providing a model for future generations (Titus 2:3–5).
In 2025, LDLM will continue to connect with all God is doing through Mothers Memorial fundraising which supports missions, both globally and in North America, and numerous UPCI endorsed ministries. Through the efforts of our thirteen section leaders, LDLM will be providing spiritual uplifting and relational fellowship through section rallies, ladies events around the district, and especially at GLORIOUS 2025 Ladies Conference. On March 6 – 8, we will experience incredible God-moments at the campground through the ministry of Ginger Labat, Sarah Long, and others.
Connections directors within LDLM serve and minister to specific needs or groups. These include Women of Worth, ABLE, Building the Bridge, and Spanish ministries. We look forward to expanding our reach by adding more connections directors in the near future.
With grateful hearts, we say THANK YOU to each church, pastor, minister, and saint in Louisiana who believes in and supports Ladies Ministries.
Damon Magee, Louisiana Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry of the Louisiana District exists to equip apostolic men to discover their purpose, power, and place in God’s Kingdom. Our mission is fulfilled by providing opportunities for service, worship, and leadership.
We encourage men to serve the local church and beyond through initiatives, like “Men on a Mission,” which includes building projects both locally and abroad. We offer opportunities for worship and connection at our annual “Dominion” Men’s Conference and sectional rallies, while challenging men to lead themselves and their families by providing valuable resources through upcimen.com.
Looking toward 2025, our vision is to grow our impact by expanding our Men’s Conference, reaching more men, and bringing more frequent and effective men’s rallies to every section of Louisiana. We aim to enhance our Kingdom impact through initiatives like the annual Father’s Day Offering, using our resources to further build the work of God.
We invite pastors and lay ministers to join us in prayer as we seek to restore men to their God-given roles, building a stronger church and community.
Eddie Gorden, Louisiana Children’s Ministry
The mission of the UPCI Children’s Ministries is to assist the whole church in developing and maintaining a healthy and effective church. This ministry trains, equips and motivates workers to evangelize, disciple, and nurture spiritual development among people of all ages with special emphasis on Children’s Ministries. We strive to serve the spiritual and natural needs of children.
In 2025, we are planning for the best annual Kid’s Camp. In addition, we will also hold our second ABLE Camp, “Camp IncredABLE”, for students with exceptionalities. Also this year, we’ll host a Louisiana Kid’s Statewide Rally at the camp grounds. Bible quizzing is also one of our passions, where our students compete with others to increase their Bible knowledge.
It is our desire to offer our Louisiana children the best. You are encouraged to be a part by giving to Save Our Children. Our children are the best; let’s lead them by giving the best offering in 2025. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Our giving to Save Our Children makes way for many events, programs, and resources which are made available for our children to know and grow in Christ!
Drew Galloway, Louisiana Youth Ministry
The Louisiana District Youth Ministry (LDYM) aims to serve, partner with, and engage students in local churches across the district. Our focus is on providing opportunities for students to experience God and grow in their faith through discipleship and ministry that makes a tangible Kingdom impact.
In 2025, LDYM is committed to helping students make a difference in their communities, empowering them to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) and spreading the gospel with the power of the spirit of God (Acts 1:8).
LDYM believes that students and young adults have a crucial role in the local church and in evangelizing during the end times. With a clear mission and vision, LDYM is confident that together, they can achieve great things for the Kingdom of God.
Our events will work in harmony with this vision to facilitate this kingdom mission in the lives of our students and young adults. We exist to impact students and empower them to make a difference locally that can have effects globally. We believe 2025 will be the greatest year yet for the churches of the Louisiana District!
Ryan Allmon, Louisiana North American Missions
“Seeding through Sending”
In the biblical context, the word SEED can refer to anything which has, within it, a quickening or creative force. The potential to produce, create, or multiply makes it seed. Jesus calls the Word of God seed in His parable of the seed, sower, and soil. When God spoke the promise to Abraham, he called those born from his lineage seed. Thus, words are seed, thoughts are seed, people are seed, even resources can be seen as seed.
Considering that these things are seed, there are two principles driving the vision of Louisiana NAM:
1) The harvest is ALWAYS greater than the seed sown.
2) We unequivocally reap what we sow.
The implication then is we may never receive a harvest from a seed we fail to sow. So, we commit to sowing seed, planting churches, and sending laborers! The Bible emphatically declares in 2 Corinthians 9:10, “Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown...”. The prevailing thought for us to ponder is, if I had known it was a seed, I would have been more careful with how I handled it. LOUISIANA, let’s sow seeds by sending!
Eddie Tilley, Louisiana Global Missions
The Louisiana District UPCI Global Missions department is the liaison between UPCI missionaries and Louisiana District UPCI pastors and churches. Our district has led all districts for decades in total giving to Global Missions. Our giving goal is not only to continue, but to increase to new records we have never witnessed. Our pastors and churches can make this possible by scheduling our deputizing missionaries for services, including hosting a missionary.
Our team includes myself, Eddie A Tilley, as the Louisiana District Director, and three regional directors. Pastor Richard Dykes, Jr. is the director for the southern region, Pastor Ricky Wead Jr. is the director for the central area, and Pastor Reggie Bozeman is the director for the northern region.
Through the years, the Louisiana District has provided many missionaries and continues to be widely represented in several fields around the world. Over many decades, hundreds of churches have been built and tens of thousands of souls in over 230 countries and territories have been reached with the Gospel because of our support.
Let’s continue to fulfill “The Whole Gospel to the Whole World by the Whole Church”!
It is hard to believe that after only 18 months, halfway through our 3-year giving phase, we are now over $1.5 million in our giving to Mission Louisiana! At this pace, we should surpass our $2.5 million goal for our New Boys’ Dorm. We are only $1 million away from building a 280-bed dorm with cash in hand!
Only the Louisiana District could have accomplished this great feat and still give the largest offerings to our departments, not to mention Global Missions, where we have given approximately $4 million over the last year.
To those who are part of the giving plan to Mission Louisiana, THANK YOU! To those who have not given, please consider sending support to assist with this most important goal of building a New Boys’ Dorm. This project will bless our district in so many ways.
Happy February!
3 Section 12 Conference – Metairie, LA
4 Section 13 Conference – Plattenville, LA
6 Section 9 Conference – Winnsboro, LA
7 Section 10 Conference – Ruston, LA
10 Section 1 Conference – Ponchatoula, LA
16 Evangeline, LA – Pastor Thomas Patterson
27-28 Katy, TX – “Revitalize” Growth Conference
Louisiana Campground History
Mission Louisiana, the upgrading and rebuilding plan for our campground facilities, is a priority to us. We are experiencing a greater number of children and youth as well as adults who desire to be a part of our district events. One of the most profound yet simple principles of church growth says, “The more guests you have, the greater potential for conversions and growth”. Correspondingly, we know that the more children, youth, and adults who attend our district events, the more there will be who experience the life-changing power of the Holy Ghost! Mission Louisiana is certainly about the upgrading of our facilities because we know the quality of our buildings must be maintained. But Mission Louisiana is essentially about enabling more people to experience the beautiful presence of our great God… just like thousands and thousands of others, and so many of us, have over the years.
Looking back at our youth camp history - our very own Sister Thetus Tenney, at only 15 years old, was leading a Bible Club at her home in Monroe, LA where as many as 30 children gathered to hear her teach. It was so impactful and well-attended that her father, Brother Caughron, who was a Presbyter, told her he was going to recommend to the District Board that they allow her to start a children’s service during Louisiana Camp Meeting. So it began. Sister Tenney started an outdoor children’s service at Camp Meeting, which about 12 children attended. Each year saw substantial growth.
Eventually, our Prayer Chapel was built for children services as well as youth services during Camp Meeting. In one of those services, Brother T. W. Barnes prayed for a young girl whose legs were of noticeably different lengths. All who were present testified to the grand miracle that happened that day when they saw the girl’s shorter leg grow until both legs were equal in length. Amazing miracles have been a part of the atmosphere of our campgrounds from the beginning.
By this time, so many young people were in attendance at Camp Meeting that there was a push to start a Youth Camp. There was some opposition to this idea, including from the District Superintendent, Brother Wise, who was concerned it would affect Camp Meeting attendance. But the idea was agreed upon and the Youth Camp was finally approved. At the first Louisiana District Youth Camp (ages 12 – 18) there were 300 in attendance.
It wasn’t long before the Youth Camp outgrew the auditorium (which was our present cafeteria), so it was split into a Junior Youth Camp and Senior Youth Camp. The concession stand was just outside the auditorium (present cafeteria). It was quite rustic, constructed from lumber collected from around the grounds. Eventually, since the youth camps were such a success, a Children’s Camp was started. Our wonderful leaders built new buildings trying to keep up with the ever-increasing attendance, adding dorms for both boys and girls.
The last public dorm was erected over 50 years ago, yet attendance for Children’s, Junior, and Senior Camps has continued to increase. Our public dorms, especially the boys’, have been at capacity for many years.
When we complete our New Boys’ Dorm with its 280 beds, I believe we will immediately fill it. It is such a great need. Nearly 53 years ago, I attended my first camp and stayed in the Public Boys’ Dorm. I cannot tell you how many life-changing moments I have experienced on these glorious campgrounds.
Our District Secretary, Bro. Stroud, was recently cleaning out his office closet and doing some filing when he ran across a very interesting file which included minutes from a meeting which took place back in August of 1996… 28 years ago. Bishop T.F. Tenney, our superintendent at that time, had appointed a subcommittee to assess the condition of our existing buildings and map out a plan for adding needed new buildings. (Does this sound familiar? Sounds much like the goal of Mission Louisiana.) The committee was made up of ministers and leaders from across the district. During the meeting there was much discussion of building a new tabernacle, converting one of our existing buildings into a larger cafeteria, repurposing our existing tabernacle, adding a recreation facility, building a hotel-style facility, and more. Again, this took place in 1996.
In that meeting in 1996, the chairman of the subcommittee made this statement: “Our decisions affect our children and grandchildren, and we need to think beyond the moment; to think ahead. We must build for the future, which requires sacrifice and commitment. We must be focused to this purpose.”
My point is… realizing the value of our magnificent campgrounds, for decades our leaders have endeavored to keep our facilities in excellent condition, and there was always a desire to facilitate ever-increasing numbers of attendees from around our state.
I pray that every Louisiana pastor, minister, and church member will get involved in supporting Mission Louisiana. It is our responsibility to ensure that generations to come have the opportunity to see, hear, feel, know, and experience God Himself, as each of us has… here on these campgrounds.
To date, a grand total of $1,484,419.89 has been given to this vitally important purpose!
Our New Boys’ Dorm estimated building cost is around $2.5 million. Let’s believe together that the remainder, just over $1 million, will come in soon and we can begin construction of our this most needed facility.
Here’s what makes this new building even more special:
- Flexible Setup: The dorm will be designed to accommodate both male and female groups with a designated side for each, if needed. Perfect for church events, leadership or youth retreats, and more!
- Dividable Quarters: Several sections can be closed off individually, so groups can have their own space. For example, at events like Ladies Conference, one section can house tech staff, another can house volunteers, etc.
Thank you to all who have supported the vision to upgrade our campgrounds. I believe your investment will turn around and bring great blessings to your local church and your personal lives.
Section Conferences
January 2025 begins our Section Conferences. By now you should have received our first mailer concerning the location of each of our thirteen conferences. All conferences will begin at 9:00AM with coffee and breakfast snacks. I am asking all ministers who are able to be present to please plan to join us. I look forward to sharing vision for our great district, and then closing our meeting with the election of section officers. Our conferences will adjourn by lunch time.
Year in Review
Looking back over 2024 reveals a busy and fulfilling year. I was very honored to travel to all thirteen sections, minister in twenty-one of our Louisiana churches, and participate in pastoral elections, section banquets, building dedications, pastoral and church anniversaries, and pastoral installations. We have the best!
Representing the Louisiana District in other districts continues to be an honor. 2024 travel included ministering in Mississippi, Texas, Florida, California, Missouri, and Canada at camp meetings, men’s conferences, church growth conferences and seminars, as well as leadership retreats. Additionally, administrative and leadership duties required my attendance at two General Board meetings as well as two Strategic Growth Initiative meetings.
As the Chairman for the Church Growth and Revitalization committee, I worked with Assistant General Superintendent Darrell Johns, as well as General Superintendent David Bernard, to produce new resources for our pastors and districts which focus on growth in the local church. Some of these new resources are available at ministrycentral.com on the SGI page. I also serve as the Cohort Leader over the five largest districts in the UPCI – Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Illinois, and Florida. It is a joy to interact with these wonderful Superintendents as we share growth strategies and ideas to help our districts effectively add new ministers, add new churches, assist churches in the area of growth, and provide spiritual and emotional care for our ministers.
Being appointed by Brother Bernard, I also serve as the General Board Liaison to the Building the Bridge Department of the UPCI. It is my responsibility to represent the General Board at the annual BTB planning meeting, usually held in Atlanta, as well as attend the national BTB Conference. This year, I ministered at the BTB Conference in Miami, Florida.
Our Louisiana District Board met four times this year. Two of those meetings included licensing of new ministers as well as license advancement to General and Ordination status. A subcommittee, led by Presbyter Zale Lewis, gathered new ideas to help make our licensing process more effective and streamlined. Out of these ideas, we created a new structure for the licensing process in Louisiana which only requires applicants to be on the campgrounds for half a day. In times past, applicants would wait on the campgrounds for an entire day during this process. In the past three years, the Louisiana District has awarded Local license to 125 men and women for a total of 837 licensed ministers in Louisiana. To put this in perspective, the average number of ministers per district in North America is 310.
Another subcommittee, led by Presbyter David Hairford, gathered research and ideas to formulate a Section Policy Manual. This new manual will assist our presbyters, secretaries, and section department leaders with consistent planning, finances, events, and other operations of all sections. It is also a guide to help our presbyters lead their sections by providing events and resources to assist pastors and congregations in the areas of leadership, church growth, and ministerial care. Another goal of each presbyter is to identify villages, towns, and cities as potential preaching point, daughter work, or new church plant locations, then work with the NAM department to realize those goals.
I don’t say this enough, but I greatly appreciate our Louisiana District Board. These are some of the greatest men I know. I am privileged to see their Christian character displayed over and over. They are men who can be trusted with the weighty decisions which are made on behalf of our district. These men love the ministry and the work of God. I believe in these men.
Mission Louisiana
In the midst of all the travel, all the meetings, and the immense amount of planning and implementation, there is the care and upgrading of our campgrounds. The Louisiana District Campgrounds is the spiritual Mecca to the UPCI ministers and congregations of our state. For over 70 years, these grounds have provided a place for our congregations and ministry alike to gather to worship, find divine direction, be renewed spiritually, and enjoy rich fellowship. I know that our district would not be as unified and strong without these campgrounds. This place provides an atmosphere where men, women, and children can be filled with the Spirit of God. I know no greater place where miracles are any more available than when we gather together to believe in God’s glorious power on these holy grounds.
The goal is to make sure these wonderful acres filled with cabins, dorms, and meetings spaces continue to be that place of anointing and blessing for today as well as tomorrow. This is the purpose of Mission Louisiana!
We celebrate $1,456,238 given to the cause of Mission Louisiana thus far.
We have raised 72% of the fund required to begin construction of our new boy's dorm! Our vision of a new dorm on our grounds is coming together and, with a little more funds, we can begin the work! Originally, we shared our need to expand the boys' dorm space for camps—but we’re also thrilled to say this new building is designed for multi-use!
Here’s what makes it special:
➡️ Flexible Setup: The dorm will be designed to accommodate both male and female groups with a designated side for each, if needed. Perfect for church events, leadership or youth retreats, and more!
➡️ Dividable Quarters: Several sections can be closed off individually, so groups can have their own space. For example, at events like Ladies Conference, one section can house tech staff, another can house volunteers, etc.
We are well on our way, but we still have a little further to go to bring this project to life. Thank you for being a part of this journey! Every bit of support helps us move closer to the finish line!
To donate today: missionlouisiana.com/giving
Karen and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!